Fuchen Chen

Google Scholar



Laminate Quadruped

Foldable Robots

Pneumetic Soft Actuators




I enjoy tinkering with technology. Here are some of my cool and fun personal projects.


This project converts drawings into interactive AR games. It is written in Python and OpenCV. It uses constrained Delaunay triangulation to create a mesh of triangles that can be bonded to the provided skeleton. The bonding weights of the triangles are automatically calculated based on the A* algorithm. Animating the drawing involves warping the triangles based on the weighted movement from the skeleton. Making my own drawings move and interacting with them is quite fascinating. Here is the source code.


I used to play a lot of Overwatch, a competitive team-based FPS game. There are many intricacies involving team fight timing, ability usage, and hero selection. I thought a match data visualizer could be useful and fun to look at for both casual and professional players. For the tool I built, the data is extracted visually from the in-game replay system. Basic image matching using OpenCV was sufficient, but a lot of tuning and tweaks were required. I also built a website to present the match data interactively. The website is developed with React and Grommet. Here is the source code for the data extractor and web visualizer. The website host will archive the site if it remains inactive for a while, so this link may not work. If I get time, I might try to switch the host.