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In an attempt to bring origami robots to more people, I cofounded a startup company called Orimagi. With some seed funding from angel investors, we were able to develop an education origami robot kit for kids to learn about technolgy and unleash their creativity. The kit enables them to fold, assemble, and personalize their own origami robots. They can also remote control and even program the robots with a smart phone or tablet to carry out fun activities like racing, bowling, and roleplaying. We sold over a thousand of those kits in U.S. and China. Unfortunately, the company failed due to various reasons at the end.
I was the only engineer in our small team so I had to learn and handle all the technical aspects of the product including all the mechanical parts, PCBs, firmware, App, and packaging. We made many iterations and I was involved in all the playtestings and events. I also worked with factories to certify and produce the products.